Mental Health VR

Take care of your mental health with a range of VR based applications that provide a solution for a wide array of mental health problems like anxiety, phobia, anger issues etc.

The problem Mental Health VR solves

Mental Health care is one of the most neglected issues in one's well being as socially it is brushed off as a non problem or seen as weakness. Hence many people who require mental health do not seek it or are not aware that they have any issues. additionally there is a 1:10000 gap of patient:therapist in the country making seeking help both harder and expensive. Our app solves both of these issues. First the app is available on your phone and just need a 200Rs headset to get started so anyone can try it , we have a diagnostic quiz that narrows down your symptoms to what kind of issues you might be facing , then there are various tools by which you can target your issues right at home. Highlighting feature includes a VR Therapist which is a life size therapist you can talk to , we have implemented a voice to text tool using Azure to process your speech and make therapist talk to you , it detects certain key phrases and responds accordingly.Other features in the app include a VR based meditation system that transports you to a remote location in VR where you can relax and meditate with soulful music playing in the background, another feature is the angry buddy , which is basically a virtual human in front of you ,you can scream on ,we detect your words and loudness and it responds according to them for example if the voice goes beyond certain decibals it falls, another feature is called speech trainer which helps with mental issues like stage fright where you get transported in front of an audience and we track your eye contact and speaking skills with them through processing your speech etc.

Challenges I ran into

getting the graphics right, integrating various features in one app, azure , cloud integration
