

We offer a user-friendly personal pill identifier feature, providing quick and accurate medication identification based on pill characteristics.

The problem MEDsarthi solves

  1. Medication Identification:
  • Medsarthi simplifies the process of identifying unknown medications by leveraging its advanced
    recognition technology. Users can quickly scan or input the details of a medication, and Medsarthi
    provides accurate information about the medicine's name, uses, and potential side effects.
  • This functionality is particularly useful for individuals who come across unidentified pills or
    medications, such as during emergencies or when managing multiple prescriptions.
  1. Enhanced Patient Education:
  • Medsarthi serves as a valuable educational tool for patients, providing audio-visual responses
    that enhance understanding and retention of medication-related information.
  • Patients can learn about their medications in a more engaging and accessible manner,
    empowering them to actively participate in their treatment plans and communicate effectively with
    healthcare providers.
  1. Preventing Medication Errors:
  • By accurately identifying medications and highlighting their potential side effects and
    interactions, Medsarthi helps prevent medication errors and adverse drug events.
  • Healthcare professionals and patients can use Medsarthi to double-check medication details,
    ensuring that prescriptions are dispensed and administered correctly, thereby improving patient
  1. Streamlining Healthcare Processes:
  • Medsarthi streamlines healthcare processes by providing quick and reliable access to medication
    information, reducing the time and effort required for manual research or consultation.
  • Healthcare providers can use Medsarthi to expedite medication reconciliation, optimize
    treatment plans, and educate patients about their medications during consultations.

Overall, Medsarthi revolutionizes medication management practices by offering a user-friendly
platform for medication identification, information retrieval, and patient education. By harnessing

the power of technology and audio-visual responses

Challenges we ran into

As we developed the personal pill identifier, we faced a few hurdles along the way:

  1. Getting Accurate Pill Info: Making sure our database had all the right information about medications was tough. We solved this by checking multiple trusted sources and in the end used Kaggle dataset with best rating and some cleaning.

  2. Making It Easy to Use: Designing an interface that's simple and easy for everyone to use was a challenge. We listened to feedback, tested different designs, and kept refining until it felt just right.

  3. Keeping Your Info Safe: We knew how important it is to keep your personal info safe, especially when it comes to health. We used Github to store our user data to make the hosting possible for our MEDsarthi .

  4. Making It Fast: Handling a lot of data while keeping things fast was tricky. We tweaked things behind the scenes, like how our servers work, to make sure everything runs smoothly and you get your results quickly.

  5. Integrating with Sign-in and Sign-up: Making sure the pill identifier worked seamlessly with our sign-in and sign-up pages took some work. We took a step-by-step approach, tested everything thoroughly, and made sure it all fit together perfectly.

Despite these challenges, we're proud to say that we've built a personal pill identifier that's easy to use, keeps your information safe, and helps you manage your medications with confidence.
