
It is a powerful mobile application which tells you the medicine is counterfeit for you or not!

The problem Medorant solves

People in our country is unaware about the side-effects of the medicines they are taking. Sometimes they take medicine by someothers advice or they just go to local medicine shop and ask for suitable medicine. Without knowing medical background their suggested medicine can greatly affect the one who consumes. That's the problem we are solving. You just have to answer some of your medical background while setting up your profile and then scan the medicine. It will tell you that the medicine is counterfeit for you or not.

Challenges we ran into

As we are new into flutter. We had a rough time connecting frontend with backend. Though we overcame it pretty fast. Also with the deployment of our backend API by AWS amplify as pretty cahllengeing and integrating WEB 3.0 in a Mobile app is really difficult.
