
Med-O-Care is a convenient and user-friendly app that helps users monitor their health by providing easy access to their medical information, tracking menstrual cycles, and providing daily reminders.


The problem Med-O-Care solves

I’m sure a lot of us have struggled to keep track of our medical records,
appointments, and daily medication reminders. Ever bought some training
equipment but had no idea how to use it? Tired of asking your gym buddies
about how to improve your posture, health, and form while performing
exercises? Do you ever find yourself concerned about your elderly loved
ones taking their medication as directed? If so, you're not alone.
Imagine a world where you don't have to lug around stacks of paperwork or
scramble to find past prescriptions, test reports, and insurance documents.
Our innovative app empowers you to take control of your healthcare,
providing a seamless solution that eliminates the need for doctors to
repeatedly request information from their patients. Say goodbye to the hassle
of traditional paperwork and hello to a smarter, more streamlined approach
to managing your medical records.
Once registered, users can upload their medical records to the app, including
information such as their allergies, medications, and previous medical
conditions. This information is kept confidential and can only be accessed
by the user or the healthcare provider. The app also includes a period tracker,
which allows female users to track their menstrual cycle and receive
reminders for upcoming periods. This feature can be particularly useful for
women who are trying to conceive or want to monitor their reproductive
health. In addition, the app includes daily reminders for medication,
appointments, and other health-related tasks. Users can set custom reminders
based on their individual needs, ensuring that they have their medication and
cater to appointments on time.

Challenges I ran into

ORM Technology, standarization of data, selection of test points to train the model
