

Caring by SHaring

The problem Medi-Share solves

The medical waste generation in India has gone up by leaps and bounds. India generates about 610 Metric Tonnes but this number has hiked up to now more than 765.5 MT per day because of Covid coming into picture. India's pharmaceutical industry is losing around Rs 500 crore (Rs 5 billion) annually on account of destruction of expired drugs, hitting the bottom line
of drug manufacturers, especially the small and medium ones.
Our project simply is the perfect solution to this problem that aims to bridge the gap between the users with excess of medical assets and the ones who do not have access to the resources at all. Our site incorporates users, doctors, volunteers and NGOs. Users can post excess medicines, request for some if needed, consult with the doctors and even claim rewards for uploading unused medicines. NGOs can accept the posted medicines according to their requirement, and volunteers are appointed to carry the medicine to and from the sender and receiver. Users have the option of OCR for scanning the prescription of the doctor. NGOs have a view of an entire dashboard which helps them visualise the medical details like quantity, expiry etc.

Challenges we ran into

The site had 4 portals, therefore managing, transformation and passing of inormation and parameters became slightly tricky at a few places, but we were able to figure it all out in the end.
