MediPoint - Care Yourself

Medipoint is an application which optimizes medical healthcare services and improvises patient's health care journey. It caters to the health care needs of the people by providing At-Home Service.


MediPoint - Care Yourself

Medipoint is an application which optimizes medical healthcare services and improvises patient's health care journey. It caters to the health care needs of the people by providing At-Home Service.

The problem MediPoint - Care Yourself solves

We have been witnessing the wrath of the COVID-19 Pandemic for a year now. While this fatal airborne disease continues to spread around the globe, it has put health care facilities under immense pressure. In most of the regions, hospitals are outnumbered by the increase in number of patients. Patients with normal cough, cold or some trivial infection are not being attended without a negative report, even though the patient doesn’t show all symptoms of COVID-19. Through this platform, we aim to minimize the communication gap between the patient and the health care service providers by developing an online interface that can improve accessibility, quality of treatment, avoid physical contact with any other person and reduce the long waiting hours.
Imapcts on Stakeholders:

  1. Saves Time - Visting hospital for booking appointment is very time consuming and can be hectic now-a-days. MediAppoint can be your saviour.
  2. Book anything from anywhere - Users are not limited to any specific working times of hospital for booking,they can book the appointment round the clock at anytime from anywhere.
  3. Save Resources - MediAPoint is an automated appointment system as it removes the expensive of going hospital for manual booking
  4. Minimize communication gap between Doctors and Patients - Patients can themselves get the info about the diseases using MediPoint app.
  5. First Aid treatment - User can get home remedies for the diseases which can act as first aid or additional help in treatment of diseases.
  6. ML prediction of diseases using symptoms - Helpful for users who are unsure about the disease

Challenges we ran into

  1. Using localhost for api call was causing network error, so we had to shift to ngrok.
  2. Managing Drawer, Stack and Scroll navigation in a single system was difficult, withNavigationFocus component resolved everything.
  3. Due to different components in react navigation 4 and 5, we had to face huge effort to fix everything due to different member working on different components in diferent versions. Finally, we ended up coding twice for same component and stick to one version from then onwards.
