Hospital Made Easy

The problem MEDINOVA solves

The healthcare system can be complicated and stressful for patients. One problem they often face is managing their medical records and sharing them with their doctors. Creating our app we made sure we solve some real world problems taking into consideration the common man as well. We at Medinova aim to improve security at hospitals by facially scanning every person entering hospitals so any mishaps in the hospital can easily be figured out.

We've also taken consideration of the doctors who need to go through the entire reports gotten from a patient and then figure out diagnosis while keeping in mind if the patient is allergic to anything. Our smart bot Iqra scraps through pdfs figuring out the same as well as we use machine learning for analytical predictions for various health conditions; also keeping into account the probability percentag for the same.

Whatsapp or any other social media platform to communicate with doctors, Pharmeasy or any medicine providing apps and finally another appointment booking app or website for various functions related to health itself. We provide the "whole nine yards" being an all in one place for your health needs.

Challenges we ran into

Firstly we had major problems inculcating the chat system into our system due to the difference in coding lanuage barriers. We however overcame this by watching videos online inculcating both the languages together.

Secondly we has problems with the facial recognition system for scanning of patients, this was our standout features and we spent hours perfecting it.

Thirdly being first year students, we werent much exposed to blockchain and it was the main essence of the entire EHR process, thus by asking our seniors for help and watching videos online we were able to inculcate blockchain in securing files of patients so as to increase security for the same.
