
A one-stop destination for all healthcare needs in medical emergencies , from availability of medicines in nearby medicine stores and blood donors to mangement of decentralized medical records.

The problem MedImpact solves

The main hurdle which it solves is availability of medicine and blood donors in medical emergencies by using locators with map directions. It also allows maintainance of medical records . Since , it is a decentralized portal, hence it brings transparency to the existing system allowing owners to keep a record of all the medicines being sold and a donor to keep a record of all donations done . A decentralized blockchain-ledger based management system for medical facility providers provides security and decentralization of data. It is effective in terms of the number of services it provides in terms of a single application which are generally handled through various applications.

Challenges we ran into

The main hurdle which we encountered is integration of blockchain with the web portal and accuracy of geolocation was also a noticeable error but after referring relevant docs and constant researches on geolocation apis , we were able to resolve it.
