

One point solution to every medical need



One point solution to every medical need

The problem MediHub solves

As in pandemic situations, there is a great problem of reaching out to things may it be a doctor's appointment, blood donation or to check availability of vaccine in hospitals. These give a great way to transfusion of virus. This can be solved by our solution MediHub. And it also provides a solution to problem where people doesn't concentrate on their postures and eye and ear care.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Problem: In Authencation page we are not able to verify it using email
    solution: So we used 0auth to authericate the email
  2. Problem: In sending confirmation email
    solution: After going with many sources, we finally came with a solution to used node mailer
    3)Problem: It is difficult to combine all the files in one folder and run together in Unity
    solution: Follow step by step process.

Tracks Applied (2)


In online appointment meeting, it is difficult to understand the problem and find the solution by the doctor. So, by the...Read More

Health & Education

As in pandemic situations, there is a great problem of reaching out to things may it be a doctor's appointment, blood do...Read More
