

Building the future of healthcare, one heartbeat at a time. Connecting patients from small villages to doctors in big cities

The problem Medico solves

This project aims to solve the health issues of our country. The past two years have been a testimony to the fact that the medical sector still lacks proper mitigation and tending to the needs of patients of all backgrounds, in the face of disasters like pandemics. Millions of people were locked in their homes, thus restricting smooth offline access to hospitals and healthcare centres.
Medico is an attempt at solving these persisting problems by ensuring a smooth transition of the medical sector network and its workings to digital platforms. Doctors and patients get to connect on a singular platform, just a few clicks away.

Challenges we ran into

No one was very much familiar with react, so this was our chance to showcase and polish our react and frontend skills. We tried to make a decent frontend in such a short interval of time.

We managed to make the frontend and backend but connecting them was quite tricky for us.

To make the functional BMI Gauge Chart, we had to learn Chart.js, which was a challenge for us

We were able to make the frontend and backend separately, but to connect them was a major challenge which still we weren’t able to do yet
