Managing and organizing a comprehensive list of doctors is a complex task with various challenges. Healthcare providers face the difficulty of maintaining accurate and up-to-date information while adhering to legal and regulatory requirements. With the growing number of doctors and the need for secure data management, finding an efficient solution is crucial. This Prototype explores the challenges and potential strategies for effective doctors list management in healthcare organizations.
Deploying a smart contract and integrating it with Vercel are the challenges we faced:
Smart Contract Deployment:
Gas limit and cost considerations.
Smart Contract Security:
Code vulnerabilities and contract upgradability.
Interacting with the Smart Contract:
Web3 integration and managing the ABI.
Deploying to Vercel:
Configuration for hosting a smart contract and handling environment variables.
Testing and Debugging:
Local testing and debugging for contract and integration issues.
Uploading to IPFS
Tracks Applied (5)