

A HealthCare ecosystem for all your needs.

The problem MediCare solves

MediCare is intended to usher in a healthcare revolution by providing a platform for people, Doctors, Hospitals, Insurance companies, Medtech, and Healthtech Organizations where all medical data can be stored, accessed, and used for the patients benefit as and when needed while protecting the patient's privacy and preventing unauthorised use of their data.

Our application provides a central repository of data containing all of the tests and other medical processes that a patient has gone through, reducing the possibility of duplication of the same processes and thus preventing treatment delays. Hospitals can use this patient data to provide blood and other medical services to indigent patients. Patients have the ability to provide data to research organisations in order for them to research and develop solutions to medical problems. Patients can give access of their medical records too insurance companies to avail thier insurance easily.

Challenges we ran into

Integration of polygon, Completing the project within the deadline, contract size restriction error.

Tracks Applied (2)

Polygon: Open Track

We have deployed our project on Polygon for easier usability and cheaper transaction fee and we are using MATIC for it

Polygon Technology

Filecoin Virtual Machine

In MediCare we have used Filecoin/IPFS for storing the patients medical records and bills securely.

