Medical Virtual Health Assistant Chatbot

Medical Virtual Health Assistant Chatbot

The main idea of my project is to create a medical virtual health assistant chatbot integrated with a website using HTML, CSS, Python,ML-AI that can help any person in any medical emergency situation.

Created on 16th April 2022

Medical Virtual Health Assistant Chatbot

Medical Virtual Health Assistant Chatbot

The main idea of my project is to create a medical virtual health assistant chatbot integrated with a website using HTML, CSS, Python,ML-AI that can help any person in any medical emergency situation.

The problem Medical Virtual Health Assistant Chatbot solves

The problem Medical Virtual Health Assistant Chatbot solves
The problem it solves is that in any case of critical medical emergency situation it can help in diagnose the disease, provide every details about the disease like symptoms, precautions and the initial steps to take the action immediately, as well as suggest recognized medical website for consulting any doctor online, suggest best possible medicine related to diseases and nearby location of all possible available doctors.
The benefit is that this will help to reduce personal healthcare costs and improve accessibility to medical knowledge through medical chatbot.
It’s availability is continuous and provide ongoing support.

:- Working of the medical virtual health assistant chat bot :-

The virtual health assistant chat bot is connected to a website which is hosted online meanwhile the chat bot connected to a database in the backend in which different types of words like greeting words, general communication words, name of disease, different website URL’s , symptoms, and their precautions are stored where a simple UI of chat bot is created for the hassle free communication purpose.
The user open the website to interact with it’s virtual health assistant chat bot.
The user type it’s diseases or it’s symptom on chat bot to get help.
The chat bot then give accurate response according to user’s query , i.e., when user greets to chat bot then chat bot in response also greets to user, and so on.

Challenges I ran into

Challenges I ran into
The main challenge I found is to handle the patient query that is resolved by deep analysis of the types of query and cluster them.


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