
Let's share our life with others - donate organs, save lifes

The problem Medi-Buddy solves

Healthcare is inaccesible to all or accessible to some regions. All important features aren't available at one place. Improper organ transplant system by govt and private hospitals has lead to many deaths. People don't know enough about the diseases they might be suffering from due to no proper resource. Patient with similar condition cannot interact with each other due to lack of platform and their is no proper virtual interaction platform. Their is no platform to give latest update of New Technologies of Science and Medicines.

Challenges we ran into

We had troubles finding API for disease library and one-to-one doctor interaction, interrating all the components in mere 36 hours wasn't easy as well, since the project is MERN project which we made in our 1st year so we did the best to make the website as smooth and fast as possible.
