

Secure, Share, Earn: Revolutionizing Medical Data Privacy and Ownership. User will have complete control of their medical data, and they can tokenize their medical record in the way they want.

Built at ETHDenver 2024

The problem MediBlock solves

Our project tackles two main problems in the healthcare data management space:

Privacy: We're ensuring that personal medical information stays private and secure, allowing individuals to control who sees their data and what parts of it they see. This means your health records are protected and only shared according to your wishes.

Access and Incentives for Data Sharing: We're making it easier for patients to share their anonymized medical data with researchers if they choose, rewarding them for their contributions. This not only empowers individuals by giving them control and compensation but also accelerates medical research by providing access to valuable data.

Challenges we ran into

In the process of developing a project that integrates blockchain technology, IPFS for data storage, and DeFi mechanisms for incentivizing medical data sharing, several challenges are bound to arise. Here’s a general outline of potential hurdles and strategies for overcoming them, based on common issues in similar projects:

Scalability and Performance
Challenge: Blockchain networks, especially when implementing complex smart contracts for DeFi and data management, can face issues with scalability and transaction throughput. This could lead to delays or increased costs for users.

Solution: Optimize smart contract code for efficiency and consider layer 2 solutions or sidechains to improve transaction speed and reduce costs. Additionally, choosing a blockchain platform known for scalability can mitigate these issues.

Data Privacy and Security
Challenge: Ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive medical data on a blockchain, which is inherently transparent, poses significant challenges. The integration of IPFS must also ensure data cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties.

Solution: Implement advanced encryption techniques and zero-knowledge proofs to secure data both in transit and at rest. Utilize access control mechanisms in smart contracts to strictly govern who can view or interact with the data.

Tracks Applied (2)

Identity, Privacy & Security Track

This project is a pioneering endeavor in the intersection of identity, privacy, and security within the healthcare domai...Read More

Confidential Computation through Cross-Chain Communication

Our project perfectly aligns with the Secret Network's focus on confidential computation and cross-chain communication b...Read More

Secret Network

Cheer Project

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