With more data being pushed to external cloud storage, privacy concerns are usual. Straightforward encryption of uploaded data strips the ability to search over it with some keywords: a highly desirable ability in some use-cases as EMR (Electronic medical records) and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things). Consequent efforts at constructing post-quantum searchable encryption schemes have failed to resist a curious server launching inside offline keyword guessing attack. Moreover, for every intended receiver, the data owner performs computation separately, implying prior knowledge about recipients. In use-cases, such as EMR, prior knowledge of intended recipients (medical centers) is not true. In this work, we propose a forward-secure searchable encryption scheme that leverages blockchain to take the burden of repetitive computations off the data owner. The proposed scheme resists attacks from an honest-but-curious server and protects the privacy of searches performed.
The scheme is researched and developed by the team members, coming up with such a secure scheme with low computation which a phone's processor can handle was something that we invested a lot of time into. Another challenge for us was to integrate c++ as the backend of a flutter app which required us to do a lot of interfacing work. Besides that, It took us an immense amount of time to actually implement the algorithms which involved a lot of work-related to lattice-based cryptography and optimizing them for mobile processors.