
It has been often noticed that people are unaware of the medical services that are present in and around them. So, to solve this problem Medi-Aid lists all the major kinds of services under one roof.

The problem Medi-Aid solves

Suppose somebody is new to the town, or someone is looking for personal nursing, or some elder couple is staying alone whose children are out of town to pursue their career or take the worst case one does not know about the way to reach out to the facility provider because they don't have a track of their phone number, etc. What Medi-Aid tries to do is, list the names of the provider along with their ways of reaching out. Secondly, the website takes immense care to provide verified ways of reaching out. This is for the benefit of the beneficiaries can do.

The website may serve as a boon for new service providers. They can reach out to us and accordingly we will take the steps to enlist them via verified sources.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge that I faced was embedding verified information sources. At first, I was apprehensive and it seemed a tiring task as well as it gave a premonition that users may not trust about this so I embedded the verified links in it. In this way, the user's trust, as well as verified information sources, will be presented to the user without any worry.

Technologies used
