
A Machine learning-powered platform that will provide the best supply chain solutions for medical organisations

The problem Med-Chian solves

Hospitals, health institutions, clinical labs and governments are not able to optimise, be well prepared, replenish inventory of medical equipment, medicines and staff, or find the right resources at the right time and price.

Challenges I ran into

Validating the solution and proving that it is actually is a problem that it needs to be addressed and a better solution like med-chain should be made.
Hence i talked to some medical professional to proofread the concept and the feedback was just overwhelming.
I talked to 4 professionals in total and all of them told me the inventory management and the supply chain is a pain in the ass and mostly the supplier either charges to much or does not deliver on time and for them to close 1 supplier it takes almost a week ( multiple back and forth conversations ) and even then they are not getting a perfect cost.
Another thing was the decision making from data, in reality, they never thought of that which indeed make it a new feature for them and give a new perspective on seeing the various data points and making a decision on those.
ANd in the end, I asked what would they pay for software like Med-Chain, and the price was also taken from user experience, they told me either 1000 a month or 10000 a year would be the one they are willing to pay for that feature.
I am trying to make it into a business and for the initial phases trying to bootstrap it and from the winning prize, it will help this to be a reality.
I have made a pitch deck, please go through it once, it will explain the whole of Med-Chain
