
Social Communities for Web3



Social Communities for Web3

The problem Mecasso solves

Mecasso is a web3 enabled platform which provides the following features to Content Creators and Content Consumers -

For content creators -

  1. Content Creators can create a Community with participation from their fans/supporters

  2. Existing creator credentials (likes, subscribers, views,etc.) from Web 2 social media such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok etc. is carried over to Mecasso

  3. Likes / Dislikes (called Charms in Mecasso) are recorded on a public blockchain and cannot be tweaked (Eg – Youtube removing dislikes)

  4. Content is hosted on a peer-to-peer platform (IPFS) so its free from censorship

For content consumers

  1. Community Members can vote on Proposals. There are currently 4 types of Proposals
    -Increase Maximum Token Cap of Community DAO
    -Issue a Community created NFT
    -Donate to a Social Cause as a Community
    -Any other Financial Proposal

  2. Non-voting community members can support through charms(likes) which are visible on Creator’s dashboard and immutable

  3. Rewards distribution can be incorporated for communities in future by lending DAO tokens to DEX platforms like Balancer, Uniswap, etc.

Challenges we ran into

  1. The scope of the app was massive for the hackathon time period

  2. Getting access to Web 2 APIs

  3. Understanding customer (Both content creators and consumers) to build an app that will work for everyone (Including web3 newbies)
