Mars Oasis

Mars Oasis

Revolutionize Your Restaurant Experience with Our AI Chatbot- Aditi: Your Personalized Menu Assistant and Waiter, and our app- Mars Oasis: Providing out of this world flavors, served on the red planet

The problem Mars Oasis solves

Mars Oasis is an automated menu and waiting app that solves several problems related to customer experience and efficiency in restaurants and other businesses that require customers to wait in line or for a table.
Our bot Aditi resolves this issue by automating this entire process to increase efficiency and also provides personal recommendations powered by Cohere that enhance the customer experience. It uses semantic search to provide a human touch and understanding. Our app also uses CockroachDb for the database, which provides high availability and scalability to our project.

Here are some of the problems our app - Mars Oasis solves:
Our app allows customers to place their orders and get in line remotely, reducing the time they spend waiting in line or for a table.
Our app provides customers with clear and accurate information about the dishes, as well as personal recommendations of dishes based on their previous order.
Our app streamlines the ordering process, allowing customers to order quickly and easily, reducing errors and delays.
Our app could help businesses manage table turnover more efficiently, reducing the time customers spend waiting for a table and increasing revenue for the business.
Our bot: Aditi also uses semantic search to find dish in our menu based on ingrediants or popular names asked by the customer. This provides a human-like understanding and makes ordering process much smoother.
Overall, our app improves the customer experience, reduces wait times, increases efficiency, and boosts revenue for businesses.

Challenges we ran into

Managing and debugging the large codebase provided by RASA can be challenging due to its complexity and scope.
In addition, setting up and configuring the connection and authentication with CockroachDB can be a complex task that may require specialized knowledge and experience.

Tracks Applied (7)


By leveraging the RASA framework and hosting our chatbot on Replit, we were able to create a seamless development and de...Read More


Most Creative Use of GitHub

GitHub proved to be an invaluable tool for our team as we worked to integrate various models, front-end and back-end fun...Read More

Major League Hacking

Best Use of CockroachDB

CockroachDB was a game-changer for our project's database needs. By leveraging its powerful relational database features...Read More

Major League Hacking

Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry

Our domain name "" effectively defines our project idea and makes it memorable for customers. It perfectly ...Read More

Major League Hacking

Best Use of NLP with Cohere

By utilizing Cohere in our recommendation system, we were able to build powerful embeddings that helped us to make accur...Read More

Major League Hacking


Our team utilized the state-of-the-art RASA framework to build an innovative chatbot that delivers a seamless and person...Read More


Our team developed a user-friendly web application that allows customers to interact with our restaurant's exclusive men...Read More
