Remember old school tickets which we use to collect? Each ticket was unique. But, nowadays Tickets do not have the memory part, which people wanted to keep with them when they move or travel.NFTs nowadays have come into the picture to make tickets more functional and memorable.
You may lose a paper-based ticket; they may get wet and ruined. Also, it’s hard to travel with a paper-based ticket as it may get lost. Moreover, organizers do not get enough security with paper-based tickets as they can be quickly faked. QR codes looked like a good answer for organizers but not that effective for guests purchasing them.
However, with the use of Non-Fungible Tokens(NFTs), an application of blockchain technology, the ticketing industry could be revolutionized. Ticket Marketplace is a web ticketing application with decentralization, transparency, and security as its features. As a result, the process becomes more accessible and leads to a significant reduction in black market practices.
We are using:
Ethereum smart contracts for building business logic on the Blockchain Also making necessary functions such as buying, putting on sale, minting of tickets. The contracts are deployed on the Matic network for faster transactions & achieving fewer gas fees.
Backend server which is acting as a medium between frontend and smart contracts, we are using socket events to listen to the events generated by smart contracts and storing some off-chain data on MongoDB. Some API’s are also made for integrating with frontend
Frontend which is the UI part is integrated with smart contracts using the web3js library & calling some backend API for fetching off-chain data. While minting tickets metadata of the Nft’s are stored on IPFS & NFT.Storage.
Users can interact with the smart contracts from the front end. Also, the owner of the contract which is the admin also can perform CRUD Operations on the event categories part.
Future Scope:
1 use circle API for fiat payments
1 Storing data off-chain
2 Using Web3JS sockets
3 Optimizing smart contracts