The problem MAPX solves

Businesses often find it difficult to market themselves to drive foot traffic. According to the US Bureau of labor statistics, traditional businesses find it hard to market themselves to consumers

About 20% of small businesses fail by the end of their First Year.

By the end of their fifth year, 50% go under;

And by the tenth year, that number rises 70 to 80% Traditional marketing methods have limitations such as high costs and being time-consuming. These problems can be solved

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated businesses worldwide. These businesses include restaurants, theme parks as well as shopping malls. Prolonged lockdown and safe-distancing measures drastically decreased the foot traffic and revenue of these businesses, forcing them to shut down or pivot.


A next-gen geo-tagged playground where players meet opportunities offered with a timeless technology. Map-based gameplay with capabilities to engage players and provide market visibility to communities and businesses.


The next generation of web building blocks are here— foster relationships between you and your customer .Tokenizes business offerings into a format that is hard to resist for target group.Pokemon Go has proven that it can flock people into places to "Encrypt them all". MapX is aiming to offer businesses the exact same effect. Build communities by gathering people together.

Target audience

Crypto Projects, Firms and Communities.

Our main audience is crypto projects, firms and communities. They can choose to mint NFTs that Crypto projects, are tied to physical locations, allowing players to collect them at the location. These NFTs can have future economic or sentimental utilities. This serves firms and as a marketing tool to help engage their respective communities, at the same time providing an communities element of gamification to their project.

Challenges we ran into

Adding AR NFT buidling new Smart contract to support location

Tracks Applied (1)

DApp Ecosystem Expansion

The MapX project fits into the DFI Token Track by leveraging blockchain technology, specifically the DFI and Filecoin bl...Read More
