Decentralizing Supply Chain Market & Logistics System

The problem MaPD solves

Supply chain management is a crucial aspect of business operations, as it helps companies
to track the movement of goods and services from raw material sourcing to the end
customer. However, the current supply chain management systems are fragmented, and lack
transparency, and are vulnerable to fraud and counterfeiting, leading to inefficiencies and a
loss of trust between different stakeholders.

We are using a blockchain-based decentralised supply chain management system to
provide a secure, transparent, and tamper-proof record of transactions and traceability of
products throughout the supply chain. It aims to improve supply chain efficiency, reduce
costs, enhance transparency, increase trust among supply chain partners, and prevent
counterfeits and fraud. The decentralised nature of the system leads to improved collaboration, increased transparency, and reduced operational costs for all participants.

Challenges we ran into

Integration of the blockchain & backend with the client was time-consuming and required much team effort. Livepeer had given a break to project uploading of video and the usability aspect was brainstorming but Arcana was not too demanding.

Tracks Applied (3)

Polygon: Build a sybil resistant airdrop tool using Polygon ID

We are using Polygon ID for authenticating while we are transferring the nfts on the polygon chain. The best L-2 Solutio...Read More

Polygon Technology


We are using Arcana integrated with rainbowKit for social media authentication and authentication via email address.

Arcana Network


We are using LivePeer for uploading videos of the product at every level of the supply chain and storing the metaData ab...Read More

