MantleSwap is a Uniswap V2 port for the Mantle Network, a Layer 2 scalability solution built on top of Ethereum that aims to increase transaction throughput beyond traditional L2s while minimizing trust risk.
In addition to the Uniswap V2 port, MantleSwap also features a staking contract that allows users to stake tokens and borrow funds from the staked pool, which they can repay later. The borrowed funds are used to provide loans to storage providers to help cover their hardware costs.
This allows users to access quick and easy borrowing from the stakedPool without having to go through the traditional banking system. The loan from the staked pool can be used for a variety of purposes, such as paying bills, making investments, etc. The stake feature in MantleSwap provides a transparent and secure way for users to access the funds they need.
The major challenge we face was to figure out how we can fork Uniswap SCs to Mantle. Also, we built custom SC for staking which we had to research while developing.
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