

The only problem a writer should face is how to write, not where to write. Magazify is a one-stop solution for all budding writers aiming to get published in literary magazines.

Created on 28th January 2024



The only problem a writer should face is how to write, not where to write. Magazify is a one-stop solution for all budding writers aiming to get published in literary magazines.

The problem Magazify solves

In the competitive modern era, a budding writer needs to find the most appropriate magazine for publishing his writeup. In doing so, he needs to navigate through multiple websites, looking out for submission deadlines, genres accepted, and the magazine most suitable to him.

Until Now.

We introduce our product, named Magazify, that helps in simplyifing the task of publishing.

Challenges we ran into

The data on all of the literary magazines was available in non-uniform formats, so scrapping them was a challenge. A future direction for that could be running NLP algorithms on top of the scrapped data. Beyond consolidating the data, building the management system on top of it proved to be challenging. We struggled implementing two profiles with different privilege accesses, namely the writer and publisher profiles.


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