
A game where you can win a prize just by participating



A game where you can win a prize just by participating

The problem LuckyWinner solves

It can be used in giveaways and crowdfunding where a random needy person can be supported. Usually randomness cannot be generated on-chain because this data can be easily used to manipulate the smart contract that we have deployed. Thats

Challenges I ran into

I faced challenges while defining entities for my subgraph, also checking for all connections i.e. the smart contract, subgraph and the frontend left room for a lot of bugs.
It was very tedious to solve this bugs and getover them.

Tracks Applied (4)

Polygon: Open Track

The smart contract is deployed on the polygon mumbai testnet.

Polygon Technology


The randomness generated for picking out the winner among the joined players is actually generated through an oracle. Th...Read More


The Graph: New Subgraph(s)

Created a subgraph to return values for max no. of players, winner, fees etc. to the frontend. the parameters are queri...Read More

The Graph

Quicknode: Built on QuickNode RPC

The rpc node for this project on the mumbai testnet is working on quicknode.

