Created on 6th June 2020
Issues with current solution:
Manufacturers are not able to directly involve in this loyalty system. There could be various middlemen ( wholesaler, distributor or retailers ) giving token to their customers but manufacturer is not involved there.
Middlemen ( mainly retailers ) when they reward points to customers expects them to be use those tokens at their stores only. And if the consumer is not able to find their store in nearby locality, middlemen loose that customer eventually.
Current solution is not so good for customers too. They get tokens for their loyalty from retailers but they can not redeem it easily like an amount. They can not use it anywhere or any item or any time. Above of all, they do not know what their history has been in terms of the loyalty points, simple to say no transparency for them.
What actually i have dreamed about or the objective :
To create a system which should not only solve the above issue of manufacturer, middlemen and consumers but also provide openness and trust between involved entities.
Blockchain is the base of my idea !!!
Blockchain possess transparency and immutability which can easily help us to build the solution.
Let's say we have a solution where 3 parties ( manufacturer, middlemen and consumers ) are involved and they have access to some functionality of the system.
The key point to this system will be:
Manufacturer can regulate the no. of tokens and how tokens flow in the network but can not restrict it's usability
Middlemen ( mainly retailers ) can grant tokens to their customers and accept tokens granted by another retailer in this network.
Customers can see their tokens count, availability and can redeem those tokens at any of the retailers in the network ( not constraint in the redemption ) and possess transparency
So this is what i thought and visualized and tried to make prototype for the same.
3 major challenges:
Regarding the blockchain architecture - How many organizations? Which entity should be organizations? Solved it by reading some articles on how supply chain works? How manufacturer-customer relationship exists?
Bridge the gap b/w Private network and User Interface: Although hyperleder is capable of making good blockchain network but it requires an API server to showcase it on UI. I used node.js with express.
Building the UI: I used React.js but as a beginner, i sruggled in the authentication part, the design part and CSS too. I used Ant Design to overcome this.
Technologies used