

Bite into your fortune with pride!



Bite into your fortune with pride!

The problem Lovebites solves

Everybody enjoys having a good time and with Pride month right around the corner, we've created an exciting web app for everyone regardless of gender identity, sexuality or relationship status. Data shows that though the public awareness of the gender diversity has grown significantly, acceptance and inclusion remain elusive for many. To find an escape from the stigma and violence, to build confidence and to experience the feeling of hope and belongingness, we've come up with 'Lovebites'. It is an engaging platform to have fun off the closet using fortune cookies. Opening a cookie reveals a happy note and an activity to brighten up your day with personalized recommendations. You can crack open as many cookies as you want and maintain the streak. Lovebites serves as a safe space to share your concerns, experiences and support for the community. It also provides you with features to discover yourself if you're unclear about your sexuality and an Informational page to know more about the LGBT community. It doesn't matter if you're straight, gay, pan, single, non binary or questioning, bite into your fortune cookie and have fun!

Challenges we ran into

Implementing all the features that we had visualized and perfecting our platform in just two days was quite challenging.
