Lookup YC

Find insights and answers to all your start up questions from Y Combinator videos.


The problem Lookup YC solves

As first-time founders, we had a lot of questions about building a business! We attended the Y Combinator Startup School, which is a free online course on how to start a startup.
SUS was the best source of knowledge we came across and we kept going back to it time and again.

But, going through videos to find exactly what we were looking for was a pain-remembering what topic was in which video, finding the right video, and then getting to the section of the video that has the information we were looking for!

Finding the right information from videos is like finding a needle in a haystack.

With Lookup YC, you can directly ask questions and get answers and insights from Y Combinator videos. We will find the most relevant advice for you with a timestamped reference, saving you a lot of time and effort.
