

Loner$Brew: Eat Sleep Borrow Deposit Repeat


The problem Loner$Brew solves

Loner$brew is a lending dapp where people can borrow FUSS USD or FUSD, a stablecoin against their ETH.
Being a dapp, it is runs entirely by smart contracts. Anyone can borrow a loan using their ETH and get FUSD and vice versa. It brings financial inclusion and no middlemen are needed.

Challenges I ran into

I ran into tons of challenges like- I started researching and went deeper into the stablecoin making. But later I realised that it can't be built so easily that can balance all the edge cases. So, research took most of my time. Chainlink AggregatorV3Interface returns the price for 8 decimal places and erc20 has 10^18 decimal points. That seemed easy, but was little tricky when implemented.
