Liquid Zap

Liquid Zap

One click liquid staking on any chain. We take care of the complex logic. User gets their funds staked with single click without worrying about bridging their funds and they staking manually.

The problem Liquid Zap solves

It increases user adoption and strealines the process of liquid staking. Any chain can be supported and it makes liquid staking chain agnostic and accesable for anyone having funds in any chain. Users don't have to transfer their funds themselves using complex bridges and find the liquidity and best rates. Liquid Zap does it all for the users and provides the best value possible.

Challenges I ran into

How to fetch the price of the tokens to do the token converstion.
How Axelar GMP works and how to transmit message from one chain to the other.
How liquid staking works and which contracts will be involved to initiate staking transaction
