

Translating Silence, Connecting Worlds

The problem LipiLink solves

Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals often face significant challenges in communicating effectively during phone and video conversations. Traditional communication methods can be limiting, leading to barriers in accessibility and interaction. Additionally, real-time translation and transcription in multiple languages are often unavailable, making it difficult for these individuals to engage in seamless cross-language communication.


LipiLink is an AI-powered app designed to enhance communication for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals by transcribing real-time phone conversations in multiple Indian languages. It provides instant speech-to-text features, focusing on accessibility and privacy. Additionally, LipiLink includes real-time Indian Sign Language (ISL) translation during video calls, ensuring smooth and effective cross-language communication.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Diverse Accents and Dialects: Ensuring accurate
    speech recognition across India’s wide variety of
    regional accents and dialects is complex.
  2. Data Privacy and Security: Safeguarding sensitive
    user data with strong encryption is critical to ensure
    trust in real-time communication.
  3. User Adoption and Scalability: Ensuring smooth
    performance for large user bases and encouraging
    adoption among non-tech-savvy individuals, especially
    in rural areas, may be challenging.
