
One-Stop Solution for Securing Links

The problem LinkCrypt solves

We are literally flooded with links in our daily life. The authenticity and the origin of many links are not known to us. Some websites might contain malicious activities or they may be phishing websites. This hack enables the link-sharing entities to provide a security assurance by providing some metadata related to the URL and it's content. All this metadata is stored in the blockchain making it immutable and also allowing link openers to validate the originality of the URL.

Challenges I ran into

I'm completely new to Web 3.0 and this is my first project in this domain. I ran into challenges like:

  1. Setting up the Smart Contract
  2. Learning Solidity in very short span of time
  3. Deployment issues, etc.
    Although, it was a very nice experience building this hack given the problems faced and my ability to solve them.
