Lights Out

High time to make a change.

The problem Lights Out solves

Light's out is a networking platform that strives to unite motivated individuals to take small (or large) steps to save out planet and inspire others to do so as well. Users can start campaigns, pledging to committ to a certain action (single bucket showers, or turning the lights of for an extra hour every day) and/or organizing public events (group clean ups or tree planting) to initiate change. Individuals can also enter in their address to see what other campaigns people near them have started, as well as, join a campaign he/she is passionate about.

Challenges we ran into

Two of our planned features- maps, and joining a campaign were harded to implement than we anticipated. It took some time to research and learn about the errors, but we got some solutions are still in the process of debugging and finalizing those features.

Technologies used
