Lifting Minds

A website aimed to connect people with mental health issues to trained professionals. So, to say, lifting minds- as in lifting minds towards healthy state of mind and towards positivity.

Created on 12th October 2021


Lifting Minds

A website aimed to connect people with mental health issues to trained professionals. So, to say, lifting minds- as in lifting minds towards healthy state of mind and towards positivity.

The problem Lifting Minds solves

A major part of our population suffers with mental illness yet it is considered as stigma. Our website aims to encourage people to start their journey towards self care, all that from comfort of your home.

Challenges we ran into

Our website includes a form to be submitted to doctor and we faced major challenge to write questions for it as mental health is analysed using DSM manual wherein many symptoms are similar so we had to write questions involving patient's daily routine to analyse seriousness of their condition. Other than this, we also faced difficulties in database and deployment of our website.

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