
A virtual slightly-gamified environment where mental health experts can set up/select rooms and invite users/patients to have Virtual Support Group meetings.

The problem LifeBoat solves

LifeBoat works for the Sustainable development Goal 3: Good health and wellbeing.
Currently over 168M people in India suffer from mental health struggles and we are in a dire need for solutions that can help to ease the situation. Support groups are proven methodology to help people with mental health struggles but they rarely happen in our country due to stigma surrounding mental health illnesses.
Therefore we plan to implement support groups online with the help of mental health experts. Experts can host the support groups in our virtual slightly gamified platform where the users can enter using a customized avatar and communiate using voice over application and chat features.

Challenges we ran into

User survey: It is almost impossible to find potential users to survey and understand their requirements as they do not come forward fearing stigma. Hence, we talked to over 40 therapists instead and used insights from them to set up the solution well.

Technologies used
