Life Mining

Life Mining

Life mining is new auth of yourself – bring your real life to web.

The problem Life Mining solves

Web2 Social media is a lonely space. People are yearning for a life with good cars, bodies, and fashion shown in posts made by influencers. Social media is built as a system that makes people unhappy. People are addicted to this mechanism and post fake content to get likes and followers, which has become the formula for the wrong kind of “influence” today.

We aim to redefine influence as a way to support and contribute to the success of others, rather than inspire envy. Life Mining aims to bring real life and digital life together, bridging the gap between the physical and digital world through the use of video and NFTs.

Challenges we ran into

As a team developing a video platform for the Life Mining solution, we faced some challenges. One of these challenges was related to the weight of the video platform itself, which made it difficult to scale efficiently. Other technologies we used included a smart contract reward distribution system, video certification NFT minting, and dynamic NFT profiles. There were so many elements of technology that integrating them all was difficult. Progressive refinement is necessary going forward after this hackathon.
