

Welcome to the world of books! We are here to provide you seemless library experience and have designed a website to manage the administration, acquisition and circulation of library materials.

Created on 19th March 2023



Welcome to the world of books! We are here to provide you seemless library experience and have designed a website to manage the administration, acquisition and circulation of library materials.

The problem LIBerty solves

Our LMS would help the user whether student or administrator to borrow, issue books from the library in a smooth manner.
It provides a better way for libraries to manage their resources efficiently. Our project has a clean and crisp interface that allows all users to work easily. It not only helps in tracking the number of books that are borrowed and circulated but also assists in searching for a required book and tells the user whether it is available in the library or not . It helps in slashing the number of overdue books and improving customer service.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge we faced was how to connect the front end and the back end , we learnt and used MySQL to solve this problem , also it was very difficult to choose the colors for the website we had to go through various color palettes before we reached our final decision.
Another challenge we faced was how to manage the workflow and connect different pages together, there were a lot of issues and we overcame those challenges together as a team.


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