Lesson Plan Generator

Tool to make lesson planning more seamless and effective for all educators.


Created on 4th May 2023


Lesson Plan Generator

Tool to make lesson planning more seamless and effective for all educators.

The problem Lesson Plan Generator solves

Creating lesson plans for classrooms is hard, especially in under-served communities.
We've made a tool to make lesson planning more seamless and effective for all educators.
Presenting, Lesson Plan Generator.

The Lesson Plan Generator is simple to use, aligned with the approach followed at Teach For India, and allows for customization according to the needs of the curriculum.

Simply select the grade, subject, and Bloom verb. Briefly describe the topic you want to cover. And, done.

The Lesson Plan Generator will give you a lesson plan with a clear Objective for the class, an interesting intro, engaging activities, and scaffolded questions for students to practice.

Since then it has been used more than 20000+ times.

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