

LensParty, community profiles now on Lens Protocol!

The problem LensParty solves

Lens Protocol currently only supports single user-based profiles; we created LensParty, where people can create community profiles.

Using LensParty, a user can create a community like Reddit.

While creating, the user can specify the conditions that need to be satisfied to interact with the community.

Lens Protocol only supports notifications for interaction with the logged-in profile.

LensParty also has Push protocol support because users can now receive notifications on their phones and browser extension.

By using LensParty, we can have organisation profiles in Lens Protocol!

Challenges we ran into

Lens Protocol doesn't not have Post Module because of which we can't let or gate people from posting on other people's profiles.

This is why we had to implement a backend that can relay requests and create profile and posts on behalf of user.
