Lens Social Proof of Location

Lens Social Proof of Location

Provide a social proof of location for Lens publications to gate & encrypt content for local users.

The problem Lens Social Proof of Location solves

Movements on the map were arbitrary & unverifier. Using a modular artitecture to allow verification of location-tokens. In this hack I built a POAPLocationVerifier in which you can determine a time interval when you'd like to verify that addresses were in the area. On creation of the even you provide a snapshot of POAPs in the format: [address]: [numberOfPOAPs].
Assumption is that the stronger the score the more you can trust that the account holder was present on site.

Challenges I ran into

Missed my flight, got the the hackathon late and couldn't put a team together ! Still met a ton of people and had a happy hack in Prague :)

PS: The frontend screen in the image are not from this hack but from the previous project I built upon. Couldn't get to that part

Tracks Applied (1)

Community, Activism & Accessibility

Bringing a good enough social proof of location on-chain is a powerful & valuable tool for communities to organise & inc...Read More
