Lending nAAn

Lending nAAn

Lending nAAn is a fully decentralized lending and borrowing platform with the user-friendly UX of centralized platforms

The problem Lending nAAn solves

DeFi by itelsf already sounds a little bit scary. If you open any DeFi platform it becomes even sacrier. Novice and common users often feel overwhelmed and quit before even trying when they see so many unfamiliar terms and complex UXs where you have some collaterals, some health factors, liquidation terms, APYs, APRs, etc... Our goal was to create a fully decentralized lending and borrowing platform with the user-friendly UX of centralized platforms. Instead of focusing on DeFi power users, who make up only 10% of all crypto-native users, we're targeting the remaining 90% and all non-crypto native (web2) users yet to discover the beauty of DeFi.

Challenges we ran into

We have ran into many challenges integrating different projects because documentation was often different than the code itself, not complete or things just didn't work. Safe modules like AA and Onramp kit were praticullary though to implement and time consuming for the one hackathon.
