Created on 22nd September 2022
I have worked in Lending Club Loan Analysis Project . The goal is to create a Machine Learning Model which will Analyse or predict Lending Club Loan. In this I have Imported the required libraries , Imported the dataset , Cleaned the data from null values , Dealing with outliers , Panda Profiling , Categorcal features , Ordinal transofmraiton , One hot encoding , Bi-Variate Analysis , Train/Test Split , Logistic Regression Model . From this Project I have Learned Many things like how to contribute or use GitHub , Machine Learning , Python etc. Libraries used in this Project are numpy , pandas , random , matplotlib , scikit learn (sklearn) , seaborn etc. Models Used in this Project are Logistic Regression Model , Decision Tree Model , Random Forest Model , ANN Model , KNN Model . Conclusion successfully able to develop a Machine Learning Model that can Analyse or Predict Lending Club Loan .
This is my first Contribution in Open Source So I didn't Know how to use GitHub for contributing in open source So this is the main challenge that I faced During this Project .