

Simplify legal paperwork. Generate e-stamp verified documents, store documents securely. Share documents (has digilocker authentication). Chatbot clarifies complex terms, Lawyer hire option available.

The problem LegalEase solves

Our effort aims to reduce the hassle that people suffer when dealing with legal documentation; they can use our platform to generate legal papers and have them e-stamp authenticated at a price lower than what lawyer would take, eliminating the need to visit a lawyer for simple concerns like rent agreements, contracts and so on. They can also store documents on their profile and share the link with third parties so that they can access them. This process employs digilocker authentication. They also have the option of hiring a lawyer for complex issues.
The documents they generate are already saved in their profile.
If they don't understand the legal terms in the documents, they can upload the pdf and ask the chatbot questions, as seen in the video.

Challenges we ran into

Cost required to run the chatbot is high as openai api is expensive so in order to reduce the cost we used Pickle in which document once uploaded a .pkl file will be created for that (which will store embeddings for specific pdf's) and after that tokens will be used only to answer the query that users ask.

The Digilocker authentication process involves intricate protocols that must align seamlessly with our platform. Ensuring compatibility and maintaining the security standards mandated by Digilocker proved to be a complex task.
Collaborating with Digilocker API experts allowed us to navigate the intricacies of the authentication process, ensuring a secure and reliable integration. We still are working on UI and integration part

User Experience Concerns:
Balancing robust security measures with a user-friendly experience was a delicate challenge. We wanted to implement a stringent authentication process without compromising the overall ease of use for individuals utilizing our platform.

Designing a user-centric authentication flow contributed to a positive user experience and got positive review from users

We still are working on UI improvement and Document Storage Part.

Tracks Applied (3)


Project Platforms: Web Applicable Tracks: Legal Tech Automation & Bots User Experience Brief Description: Our project ...Read More



Brief Description: In the Software track, our project stands as an exemplary embodiment of innovation and efficiency in ...Read More

Open Innovation

Brief Description: Our project seamlessly aligns with the Open Innovation track, embodying the spirit of creativity, col...Read More
