
The Decentralized Chat app for prevention of the spread of fake messages by using block chain to forward messages.

The problem Ledom solves

Nowadays it is quite common to find fake and untruth messages in various groups of social media platforms like whatsapp.
We wanted to create a new chat app which will ensure that whenever a message is to be forwarded, it will be running on the block chain. As a result, all the forwarded messages could be traced back to the origin source. So if someone is to start spreading a fake messages, he will have to think twice before starting to forward the messages because he knows that the message can be traced back to its him. We wanted to hash the data and to compare the hash codes to trace out the origin. That way the fake message spreader can be identified while at the same time ensuring that no data which is forwarded to a group will be available to all the nodes in the block chain. We wanted to plot a tree diagram of the data flow in which the messages are spread when multiple messages are forwarded.

Challenges we ran into

When we began, we had zero knowledge about block chain, other than a simple idea that block chain is a network of nodes and that the path via which data/information flows can be traced using it. We encountered several problems. The Ganache server sometimes took a really long time to load and the tutorials to learn were really not that clear. Also the site CryptoZombies was blocked on our wifi domain because it had the game tag assosiated with it. :) It was quite hard to find the source code of a working blockchain project and then run it successfully in our laptops, there were many errors and it was quite hard to debug them and even looking them up in the web was a disaster since the instructions which were mentioned actually sometimes triggered even more errors.
Apparantly we couldn't complete exactly like we wanted project like we wanted. We used a truffle-react boiler plate code from truffle web site and then made the front end side of our app. We were unable to link it and connect it properly with etherium like we initially wanted. There are a ton of tests yet to be done before it can be launched to any of the proper Etherium networks. After all hey, we had only 24 hrs to learn blockchain from scratch and then to build a complicated app with it:)
