
Sorting your learning needs . . .

The problem Learn-o-vate solves

Learn-o-vate basically solves the problem of scattered learning sources faced mainly by students .By developing a platform which contains sorted resources based on recommendations , we provide a fast track path to all the students for free. As offline classes does not seem to happen in near future, we aim to provide students a platform containing best videos and materials available on the internet for free. It can be YouTube videos, Books, and a lot more categorized for various standards and language. The portal is also for other mentors who can contribute by putting their own course or URL for free and it will be verified by our website algorithm as well as physically filtered for best outcome.

Challenges we ran into

As we all are working remotely, integration of project, collabration and synchronisation between members were some of the challenges we ran into. Making the website uniform and responsive in terms of design was also a major problem that was solved after some real hardwork. (Demo video present in assesst folder of the repo)
