Learning Pocket

The project revolves around deciphering free body diagrams, interpreting all the forces acting on it and imparting steps to further solve the problem.


Learning Pocket

The project revolves around deciphering free body diagrams, interpreting all the forces acting on it and imparting steps to further solve the problem.

The problem Learning Pocket solves

The idea emerged out of solving complex physics problems, especially by NEET or JEE aspirants. Our programme will help these aspiring students to get solutions to convoluted problems at an instance. This will act as a knowledge booster for an average student for whom hesitation is a stumbling block that devoids him/her to get the doubts clear from the mentor. Our application act as a completely free concept builder for such aspirants. In fact, most of the mechanics problems go wrong just because the person is unable to draw a correct free body diagram.

Challenges we ran into

  1. Integrating our Android application with python frameworks used.
  2. Recognition of Arrows in free body diagrams.
  3. Size of different images to be processed.
  4. Elimination of noise while detecting diagrams.
