
Decentralized, non-custodial and community driven rewarding system for creating learning resources and documentation

Created on 8th August 2021



Decentralized, non-custodial and community driven rewarding system for creating learning resources and documentation

The problem LearnDAO solves

Most of the documentation sites are not truely decentralized and community driven. The learning resources are not well maintained updated frequently in most of the cases. The guest contributors who may have contributed in the documentation/ resources are not given proper recognition and rewards. Also, most of the times - centralized web searches might lead us to inefficient and improper resources.

What does LearnDAO do?

LearnDAO is a first of it's kind platform where the learning resources are contributed from guest authors. The readers may vote YES or NO with their $SDT balance. The total volume of the votes is calucated for each of these resources and the resources with the most positive votes are displayed in the top - so that the readers get to see the most effective and useful content on the top. The best authors can be rewarded with $SDT tokens.

How does LearnDAO work?

Working diagram

  • The contributors create the content in as a markdown (.md) file and add it into the resources folder and make a Pull Request in our GitHub repoitory (https://github.com/hackyguru/LearnDAO).

  • Once the PR is merged, the GitHub actions redeploy the site. A node script pushes the newly created markdown file into IPFS and returns the CID. It would also hold meta data related to the person who created it (author details). The meta data also contains the SDT wallet address.

  • The markdown files are rendered as resources in the documentation site. The viewers can learn Blockchain and StackDAO by going through these resources.

  • Based on the quality of the resource or documentation, the readers can vote YES or NO based on their personal experience. Finally, based on the votes - the best authors are rewarded and their documentations are given more preference and appears on top. The negative votes result in lower priority or removal of the particular documentation/resource.

Challenges I ran into

  • The documentation of StakeDAO seemed to be inadequate. Though it was challenging to integrate StakeDAO, This challenge helped me to recognize the idea for this hackathon.

  • StakeDAO seemed to be available only available on Mainnets, so we were not able to test/deploy our smart contracts.

  • The absence of libraries for StakeDAO made it difficult to implement some features that we wish we could.

What value does LearnDAO add to the eco-system?

  • All the learning resources and documentation are community driven.

  • The author gets more recognition.

  • Censorship resistant and stored in IPFS (Distributed storage).

  • Only the best content voted by the community appears on the documentation.

Project categories

  • StakeDAO - We used StakeDAO stratergies and also curated this website focussing StakeDAO.
  • IPFS and FileCoin - We used IPFS and FileCoin for storing the Markdown content.


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