Created on 18th February 2022
This is an application of Land Registration System. Land registry in India as well as in many parts of the world is a very slow and inconvenient process. Current land registration & verification systems include an increasing number of fraud cases and loss of paperwork and court cases due to thousands of land records to maintain.
The intuition behind building this was to make the process of land registration resilient and decreases the cases of fraud in the process. Using the system, validation of the lands is also possible as immutable transactions are being stored in the public ledger.
So the Land Registration system using blockchain is a distributed system that will store all the transactions made during the process of land buying. This will also be helpful for buyers, sellers and government registrars to transfer the land ownership from seller to new buyer as well as it will accelerate the process of registration.
Being completely new to blockchain technology and hackathon environment, we went into this hackathon expecting to learn a lot, and we did. With no experience on hand, we faced pretty many challenges figuring out how smart contracts work. Sending and receiving transactions was another huge challenge.Connecting our fronted flutter app with ganache.Adding metamask wallet connect to flutter