Lab Link

Lablink - high quality certified machine

The problem Lab Link solves

Using a QR code-based system that gives patients access to information about the testing equipment used in medical facilities will solve the issue of medical negligence caused by defective testing equipment in India. Patients can scan the QR codes that can be printed on each machine to learn details like the unit's purchase date, purchase history, and maintenance schedules. This information can be made available to patients through a website or mobile app, making it easier for them to check the accuracy of their medical reports and take educated decisions regarding their health. By increasing testing process transparency, our approach enables people to make wise healthcare decisions. It also encourages medical facilities to constantly maintain and update their equipment, minimising the occurrence of medical errors brought on by malfunctioning machinery. Patients can access information about the testing equipment used in medical facilities. Furthermore, the approach could potentially serve to minimise the occurrence of medical malpractice litigation and enhance the general quality of healthcare in India

Technologies used
